
Basic Teaching Center of Electrician and Electronics

The center was established in 2011 and have 16 faculties. It is teaching department of Electrotechics and electronic courses and labs teaching of the University. Currently it is composed of two teaching module including electrontechnics and electronic courses. Our faculty undertake teaching job of mostly all courses about electrontechics and electronic technology of engineering majors. Our faculty has some achievements in teaching methods and means. There are three MOOC courses on line: Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics and Electrotechnician. Among of them Digital Electronics is the High Quality Course of China University MOOC. The students our faculty guide often get best awards in all kinds of subjects competition of national or county regular competitions. In science researching our department also has national or provincial projects including NSFC projects. In academic exchange our faculty visited America and Canada as visiting scholar or academic exchange. The department majority enroll graduate students in Electronic science and technology, control engineering and signal processing subjects.

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